God is not mad! The 1st founding Dovelight Ministry, Gospel Truth (click the downloadable link) is the wrath of God was extinguished at the cross of Christ for all Believers.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. – Romans 5:8-9(KJV)
You see, it is the obedience of Christ toward the commanded love of God that justified, “dikaioo” which translates “to render just or innocent,” the Believer. The transformative truth is we are “made innocent” before God our Father.
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.-Romans 5:19 (KJV)
If I make a cake, it is not the cake that gets the honor it is the baker. If I build a castle, it is not the building that gets the glory, it is the builder. It is the commanded love, not the wrath of God, that made many righteous by being born again (John 3:3, 1Peter1:23) and brings glory and honor to Our Father. Simply stated, as you had no part in being made a sinner, you have no part in being made righteous. Remember, the disbelief of the children of Israel led to their unwillingness to enter the giant-possessed, promised land of Cannan. While the new nation was freed, their disbelief in the promise and their fear of the giants, caused that generation to miss the promised rest of Cannan. An unrenewed mind (Roman 12:2) or wrong thinking about God, can cause the Believer to forfeit the rest we receive from Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:1-4).
The righteousness (right-standing) we receive from Christ, is a free gift. God sees you through Christ, never on your own merit. Just as you will never see the eggs in a baked cake, God will never see sin in the one that is born again. Now that does not mean Believers will never sin. It means we are located spiritually in Christ and only visible in Christ (John 15:4). The free gift (justification, salvation) we receive is not intended to free the Believer to focus on how to sin, but to serve God without the guilt of our sin (Romans 6:13, Romans 8:1). We look forward to renewing our minds (Romans12:2) to these spiritual truths as we transform from the fear of God’s wrath to confidence in His rest (Hebrews 4:1-4). Enter the rest of the completeness of the finished work of Jesus Christ. Again, God is not mad, but awaits fellowship with you through your position in Christ!
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4 Responses
DLM Bible Study Session 1-20-21:
What a wonderful time of study on the subject, “God is Not Mad!” Thank you Sis. Yvonne for shedding light on how much God loves us and how He sees us in Christ. ❤️
Also, thank you Sis, Jacquline for sharing some of the biblical principles on “mentoring” and how we ALL can be a mentor by giving up a few minutes of our time.
God bless you ladies for your love and faithfulness! ❤️
Always a pleasure to study with those hungry for the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
I never really though about God seeing me in Christ.
Yes, you are acceptable in right-standing by the exchange of your righteousness for Christ’s righteousness. Always, loved!